Red Wine Storage Temperature

Do you have a leather wine glass storage box in your home? If yes, you must like it so much! If not, what a wast that you miss such a useful and refined thing in your life. You are a fan of leather storage box? Then I bet you like wine very very much. Cause people having quality life always like wine. However, you might not be an expect in how to store wine. Following some key advice.

Leather Wine Glass Storage Box

1. Heat is no.1 enemy for wine. If it gets too much hotter, your wine may get damaged aromas and flavors. The ideal temperature range is between 45° F and 65° F (and 55° F is often cited as close to perfect), though this isn’t an exact science. More important than worrying about achieving a perfect 55°F is avoiding the landmines of rapid, extreme or frequent temperature swings. On top of cooked flavors, the expansion and contraction of the liquid inside the bottle might push the cork out or cause seepage. Aim for consistency, but don’t get paranoid about minor temperature fluctuations; wines may see worse in transit from the winery to the store.

Leather Wine Glass Storage Box

2. Turn the lights Off. Light, especially sunlight, can pose a potential problem for long-term storage. The sun’s UV rays can degrade and prematurely age wine. One of the reasons why vintners use colored glass bottles? They’re like sunglasses for wine. Light from household bulbs probably won’t damage the wine itself, but can fade your labels in the long run. Incandescent bulbs may be a bit safer than fluorescent bulbs, which do emit very small amounts of ultraviolet light.

Leather Wine Glass Storage Box

3. Use a Leather Wine Glass Storage Box. Leather Red Wine Storage Box does not only make your wine look more luxurious, which is especially perfect as a gift. It also can store your wine from the heat and light talked above. Moreover, it will keep your wine from evaporation. What’s surprise? Today’s recommended Leather Wine Glass Storage Box has a hippo-campus knife, a cutter, a pouring device for free! The thoughtful silver buckle won’t get rusty.

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Excited to know the correct way to store your wine now? Luxurious Wine Glass Storage Box with  competitive price!

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