How to Walk in High Heels


There is a saying that high heels is the best friend for a girl. Marilyn Monroe once said, give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. We all believe that high heels help us to stand up taller, look slimmer, and feel more confident. However, walking in sky-high heels can be difficult at the beginning. Especially it can be a little tricky when you just start to learn. But don’t worry, according to masters, learning to walk fearlessly in high heels just takes a little practice. Follow these helpful tips and you’ll be strutting like a catwalk model in 5-inch heels!



1. Put your whole foot down at once as if you’re wearing flats. Walk from heel to toe, put your heel down first, followed by your toe. It is the easiest way to look like an amateur in heels and make your walk look more natural. When walking in flats, you don’t walk on the balls of your feet or put your whole foot down at once. So don’t do these things in heels.



2. Take smaller steps. You might feel the skills are not right when walk in heels since it is not the same way we used to learn how to walk anymore. Walk slowly, take small steps, making sure not to bend your kneels. The taller the heel, the shorter the stride should be. If you take bigger steps, it will make your walk not natural, also won’t make you feel more comfortable.



3. You may want to walk faster than allow when you wear high heels. However, often end up craning your neck forward to compensate. Such move will make you look strange. So just lean the slightest bit back when walking in heels, as this will counteract your inclination to lean forward. Besides, walking slowly gives off an air of confidence.



4. Imagine you are walking along an invisible line. When you want to draw a straight line, you’ll get better results if you look at your end point as you draw. A lot of women wear high heels to look sexy, so adding a little shimmy to your walk is a good thing. Similarly, when walking in heels, you’ll walk more gracefully if you look at your goal point, and visualize a straight line going toward your end point.


Get hold of the walking skills for high heels now? Like I want to start want to wear high heels after watching Gossip Girl, are you ready to walk like a catwalk model or actress in the TV show? If you have any other questions about high heels, just leave a comment. I will try my best to help you~


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