4 Tips To Buy The Right Socks

There are various socks , some socks are designed to control odor and some keep the feet cool and dry. A good pair of socks can make all the difference between an enjoyable day and an uncomfortable one.  It’s  important to take your time when choosing  socks and consider which will best suit the type and conditions you may encounter.

Here are 4 tips to help you to pick the right socks:

1 Choose the socks with full cushion sole support.

It is important if you don’t want your feet tired at the end of the day. Because the socks with full cushion sole support will provide cushion , soften impact and reduce stress on the heels. If you walk a lot in a day, you should choose those socks.

2 Pay attention to sizes.


Like shirts or dresses , socks are various in sizes and shapes. Although they are stretchable, small size socks often cause your feet blistering . And it is easy to cause abrasion if your sock move up and down your leg frequently. So, choose the right size and save troubles. Usually, a good brand of socks provide least four sizes. A good sock should not just absorb sweat but also allow it to distribute perspiration through the material toward the outer surface.


3  Notice  thickness

The thicker sock offers greater cushion, especially when it has a high wool content. However, the thicker, the warmer. It is an easy choice in winter ;  but  in summer, you should balance the comfort and warmth. If you plan a lot of hiking miles, then you will  need to wear at least medium weight socks regardless of how hot it is.  Another  advantage of the thicker socks is that they often last longer while supporting the feet better.

4 Understand  materials

Different socks are made of different fabrics. Understanding the materials will help you make a better decision. Wool and cotton are common  sock materials.

  • Wool:With its ability to keep feet warm during the colder winter and  cool during the scorching summer, wool is an extremely popular sock choice .
  • Cotton:Much like wool, cotton is sought after for its temperature regulating properties, but this lightweight option is great for sportsmen. Cotton is also more affordable than wool, and can also be blended to create durable and comfortable socks.
