2 Reasons to Wear Mens Boxer Briefs

So, you want to switch to mens boxer briefs ? There are many reasons this can be a good idea. And remember that underwear is the foundation of style. What you wear underneath really can matter. If you’re trying to have a baby, boxer briefs are a great idea.

1 Medical benefits.

Some studies have found that men who wear boxer briefs are healthier. Men who want to impregnate women may increase their chances by switching to boxer briefs.
The research shows that boxer briefs can positively affect sperm quality. The reason for this is because briefs can increase the temperature on the testicles, which leads to poorer sperm.
Even better yet, wear boxer briefs during the day, and then wear nothing at night. One study found doing so led to lower levels of damaged DNA in sperm.

If you want to really increase your fertility, though, you need to remember that it takes 10 to 11 weeks for sperm to be produced.
Thus, it’s not going to work if you change to boxer shorts the night before you want to get a woman pregnant. This needs to be a longer term strategy.
Because the key is reducing heat around the testicles, you should also stay away from saunas and hot tubs. If you sit for long periods of time or play a lot of sports, try not to wear tight clothes.

2 Sex Appeal

Maybe you think that women (or men) will prefer you in briefs. After all, they’re tighter, right? This makes you think they will show a person what you’ve “got.”
Wrong. Studies have shown that women, in particular, prefer boxer briefs. There’s something to be said for a little mystery, and briefs can seem too casual and obvious.
Think about it. How good is it really going to look if you take off a nice suit to reveal tighty-whities underneath? Not great. Boxer briefs come in different patterns and colors, so they can seem more professional.
